Saturday, August 10, 2019

Job and his suffering Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Job and his suffering - Research Paper Example Subsequently, the paper will highlight how Job symbolizes the theme of suffering. The bible covers the topic of suffering realistically. To illustrate this theme, the bible uses the character of Job (Carney 66). The book of Job commences with a story about Job, a devout righteous man who is faced and looking at imminent tragedy. Job is about to experience a massive loss (he risks losing all his property, wealth, health, and above all his children. Additionally, his good name will also be lost. Job will suffer from all this tragedies simply because god is about to test his (Job) faith and obedience. Thus, Job primarily suffered because God challenged or contested with the Devil/ Satan. However, neither Job nor his friends knew of this ploy. As such, Job’s friends take their time to try and explain his suffering from their ignorant perspectives. Nevertheless, Job does not sway but rests his faith with God and hopes for his redemption. Both Job and his friends could not comprehend the reasons for Job’s suffering or ill afflictions in the beginning. In fact Job’s response when he was confronted by God was silence. The silent response given by Job does not in any way lessen or trivialize the intense suffering, pain and emotional turmoil he is undergoing throught. Rather, the silent response signifies the importance of believing and trusting in god’s redemption whilst suffering. Moreover, the silent response underscores the need to believe and trust god’s purposes even if we don’t comprehend or grasp what those purposes are. Consequently, this implies that like all other human experiences, suffering is directed and controlled by God. Overall, Job implies that although people might never understand or know the reason for their suffering, they should nonetheless trust and believe in God. The bible thus gives this as an answer to the theme or concept of suffering. The book of Job attempts to answer the question

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